Leak Detection across Manchester & Cheshire
Older properties water supplies are commonly fed through lead, copper or steel pipes and are more susceptible to bursting which could require immediate attention before the problem escalates and disturbs the ground above it or even worse, damages your property. We have highly trained leak detection engineers on hand to respond to such emergencies, dedicated to the repair of your damaged water supply.
A one off leak repair may be a cheaper option short term, but if your pipe is in really poor condition, it may work out cheaper long term to consider a full water supply pipe replacement.
If your old water supply has a leak then it is usually telling you it has served it’s time and will more than likely cause you even more problems in the future.

“What if there’s a leak under the solid floor of my property” ?
In this case we will always speak to the customer about their options, one for instance could be to pick up the pipe externally, before it enters the solid floor, then re-route a new section of pipe by moling around the property to completely bypass the leaking section of pipe without disturbing any internal decoration.
Turning a blind eye to a leaking water main could cause serious problems to your property such as damp or subsidence, we would advise that any known leaks are investigated and fixed as a matter if urgency.